Low cost spay/neutering options
- Friends of Randolph Animal Pound coordinating with Alto Veterinary Services. Please email [email protected] for more information.
- Preventative Paws, Mt. Arlington. https://www.preventivepaws.com/
- Father John's- Lafayette, NJ https://www.fatherjohns.org/services/spayNeuterClinic.php
- People for Animals- Hillside, NJ https://pfaonline.org/
- No Nonsense Neutering- Reading, PA http://www.nnnlv.org/
- Spay and Neuter Center of NJ (Holmdel) https://www.spayneuternewjersey.com/
- Friends of Animals https://friendsofanimals.org/
- NJ State program (for people adopting from an eligible shelter/rescue and have pet licensed in their town) - www.nj.gov/health/vph
Other preventative Veterinary care
- Morris County Free Rabies Vaccine Clinics (free to all NJ residents) https://www.morriscountynj.gov/Residents/Public-Safety/Rabies-Clinicswww.morriscountynj.gov/Residents/Public-Safety/Rabies-Clinics
- VIP Pet care clinics held locally (Tractor supply, Flanders); Terry's Pet Stop Morris Plains - https://petvet.vippetcare.com/
- ShotVet https://www.shotvet.com/find-a-clinic/ one location is Budd Lake CVS on certain Saturdays
- Banfield pet hospital (inside of several PetSmart)- https://www.banfield.com/ ** They have an offer for a first free visit.
- People for Animals- Hillside, NJ https://pfaonline.org/hillside/services-fees/